✅ 100% invalid replacement! (if invalidity is more than 10%)
✅ No discounts or Wholesale. (Currently there are problems with registration, production has stopped)
✅ For the first authorization, use a proxy with traffic payment (not suitable: your mobile modems, keyproxy, ltebusts and others will kill accounts with-> incorrect password - there will be no replacement) error: incorrect password means bad proxies and accounts are already corrupted (try another day on other proxies, maybe it will work)
It is very important that you transfer money with this note, otherwise the funds will not be credited automatically.
Платеж будет засчитан после 3х подтверждений транзакции.
Payment verification
Enter in the field a set of characters from square brackets from the note with which you made the payment and click Check Payment. Example: invoice[NWBJsk9e0RMQHNi] you need to enter NWBJsk9e0RMQHNi